Goodbye Room 5 2012
Thanks for a fabulous year. I know you will all have an amazing year in your new classes in 2013!
Have a wonderful Christmas and Summer holiday!
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Let's Play Cricket!
On a sunny Friday afternoon Room 5 and Room 4 had the chance to practice some cricket skills. We had a lot of fun practicing bowling, batting and fielding. Here are some photos of us:
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Today we were lucky enough to have the chance to use the new school i-pads. We had a go using some Maths apps like 'Mathletics', 'Hungry Fish' and 'Pearl Diver'. We also had a go at 'Scribblenaut' where we have to solve problems using spelling to help us.
Today Room 5 shared a Halloween Jump
Jam routine with the Juniors. Look at what a great job everyone did!
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Calendar Art!
Room 5 have worked hard to create some fabulous friendly Wild Things for their calendars this year!
They are up on display on the classroom window, or check them out in the slideshow below. Remember all orders need to be to the office by September 21st.
They are up on display on the classroom window, or check them out in the slideshow below. Remember all orders need to be to the office by September 21st.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Olympics, Olympics and more Olympics!
Room 5 have loved following the Olympic games in London this year. We have been writing, reading, talking and doing artwork all about the Olympics.

Today we were very lucky to have a special guest come to visit us. A real Olympic athlete...Mr Bird!
We had many questions to ask him and really enjoyed listening to his stories about the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.
Here are some photos of his bronze medal:
Here is our Olympic Cauldron:

Today we were very lucky to have a special guest come to visit us. A real Olympic athlete...Mr Bird!
We had many questions to ask him and really enjoyed listening to his stories about the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.
Here are some photos of his bronze medal:
Room 5 and Room 6 loved listening to Mr Bird's Olympic stories:
Thank You Mr Bird!
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Rāmere - Friday
Te wiki o te reo Māori officially ends this Sunday 29th July (Rātapu 29 Hōngongoi). We have all enjoyed 'giving it a go' and will keep doing so.
We are also all looking forward to the Olympics opening tonight (tomorrow morning)! We are looking forward to learning about the Olympic countries that we have researched for homework.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi paki. It's a fine day.
We are also all looking forward to the Olympics opening tonight (tomorrow morning)! We are looking forward to learning about the Olympic countries that we have researched for homework.
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei rā? What day is it today?
Ko te Rāmere tēnei rā. Today is Friday.
Ko te Rāmere tēnei rā. Today is Friday.
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi tēnei marama. This month is July.
Ko te Hōngongoi tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te whiti te rā. The sun is shining.
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te whiti te rā. The sun is shining.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi paki. It's a fine day.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Kotahi rau ngā rā
100 days at school
Rāpare - Thursday
Today we celebrated 100 days of being at school this year! Take a look at some of our 100 day Maths and our 100 day treat in the slideshow at the bottom of this post.
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei rā? What day is it today?
Ko te Rāpare tēnei rā. Today is Thursday.
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi
tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te whiti te rā. The sun is shining.
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te whiti te rā. The sun is shining.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi makariri. It's a cold day.
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi makariri. It's a cold day.
Kotahi rau ngā rā...
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Rāapa - Wednesday
taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria
language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul
This whakatauki (proverb) is about the important role language plays in maintaining culture and an understanding of who you are.
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei rā? What day is it today?
Ko te Rāapa tēnei rā. Today is Wednesday.
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi
tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te heke te ua. The rain is falling.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi māku. It's a wet day.
Transcript and Translation:
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te heke te ua. The rain is falling.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi māku. It's a wet day.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Rātū - Tuesday
We talked about how we can also show the Olympic value of Excellence in how we treat other people.
Kaore te kumara e whaakii ana tana reka
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi kapua. It's a cloudy day.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi makariri. It's a cold day.
Kaore te kumara e whaakii ana tana reka
kumara (sweet potato) does not say how sweet he is
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei rā? What day is it today?
Ko te Rātū tēnei rā. Today is Tuesday.
Ko te Rātū tēnei rā. Today is Tuesday.
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi kapua. It's a cloudy day.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi makariri. It's a cold day.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
Māori Language Week
Rāhina - Monday
We talked about the Olympic value of Excellence and how we can show Excellence at school and at home.
te iti kahuranga ki te tuahu koe me he maunga teitei
for the highest cloud so that if you miss it, you will hit a lofty mountain
Transcript and Translation:
Ko te aha tēnei rā? What day is it today?
Ko te Rāhina tēnei rā. Today is Monday.
Ko te aha tēnei marama? What month is it?
Ko te Hōngongoi
tēnei marama. This month is July.
Transcript and Translation:
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
Kei te heke te ua. The rain is falling.
Transcript and Translation:
He aha te āhua o te rangi? What's the weather like today?
He rangi māku. It's wet.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Māori Language Week Challenge!
Can you read the longest place name in the world with the correct
M āori pronunciation?
Taumata-whakatangihanga-koauau-o-tamatea-turi-pukaka-piki-maunga-horo-nuku-pokai-whenua-ki-tana-tahuCan you explain what the longest place name means?
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
More Fabulous Writing from Term 2!
Here are a few of the fabulous character descriptions in Room 5's Family Character Description book.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Welcome back to Term 3!
It was great to see everyone again on Monday and to hear about your holiday adventures.
This Term is a busy one and we are looking forward to following the Olympics in London!
We were also lucky enough to be welcomed back to school with these beautiful daffodils in our Butterfly Garden. Who would have thought we would see these in the middle of winter?
This Term is a busy one and we are looking forward to following the Olympics in London!
We were also lucky enough to be welcomed back to school with these beautiful daffodils in our Butterfly Garden. Who would have thought we would see these in the middle of winter?
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Cross Country Writing
Last Tuesday we were very lucky to have a crisp and sunny autumn morning for the Junior Cross Country down at Bishop's Park.
Room 5 were also very relieved to see their big buddies from Room 22 there to support them, as some of us were quite nervous about the big race!
Here are some of our wonderful recounts about the event...
The Biggest Race
My heart was beating really fast. I was getting ready to do cross country at Bishop's Park. When the whistle blew, I ran as fast as I could. Everybody was cheering for me and I won the race. Somebody overtook me at first, but then I overtook her when we were behind the trees. That meant I won the race. I hope I win next year.
By Lucy
The Big Race
I was nervous. I could see my Mum and Dad. My heart was beating really fast...It was Tuesday, we were at Bishop's Park for the Cross Country. Our buddies were there and I came third.
By Jack
The Race
I could hear my Dad squealing, "Go Fionn!" It was the day of the Cross Country at Bishop's Park. On Tuesday was Cross Country. There were the Year 1s warming up and then off they go running around Bishop's Park. Then they crossed the finish line. Then the Year 2s went next. We were fast. Then we crossed the finish line. I hope we can do it next year.
By Fionn
The Big Race
My heart was beating really fast, I was nervous. It was cross country time. My buddy was there. It was Tuesday. We were all at Bishop's Park. It was fun. There were lots of fast people in the race. In the race, I felt tired. I felt happy while I was running. Room 22, our buddies, came to watch us and cheer us on. After the race, Room 5 and 22 had morning tea. I felt proud of myself.
By Emma
The Biggest Race
I saw my Mum and our buddies cheering for me and I was nervous. We were all at Bishop's Park and I saw trees and I saw people cheering for me. I smelt mud and I heard people cheering for me. My buddy and my Mum were proud. When I was near the finish line, I went fast and I came 10th, but at least I didn't come last.
By Ben
Well done to everyone who tried their best in the Cross Country run! You did great!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Muritai Bear
The Muritai Bear has had a lovely two weeks in Room 5. We said goodbye to him today and he is now visiting Room 8.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Ballet in a Box
Earlier this week Muritai School were lucky enough to have some dancers from the Royal New Zealand Ballet company come to visit. They put on a show for us in the hall.
Room 5 really enjoyed the show. Here are some recounts we wrote about it...
Today Muritai School went to the hall to watch a ballet show. At the show there were ballet dancers. First of all the ballet dancers stretched with two bars. The bars looked like a pole. Next they did jumps and turns. They jumped as high as the sky. Last of all they played Cinderella. They played Cinderella so well. We clapped and clapped.
Today the whole school went to a show. The ballet people there were amazing! They're really flexible. It was a really long show. They were the best dancers. It was my favourite show. At the end, they played a show for us. The show was awesome! There were three boys and four girls. They jumped as high as a kangaroo. My favourite part was when they jumped really high. They're really good at dancing.
On Monday we went to a ballet show. We saw some people's legs in the air. We saw a play of Cinderella. There was a grasshopper which danced with Cinderella. They danced and danced for a long time. I liked it. They are very flexible. They were nice, everyone liked it. There were four girls and three boys. They were like gymnasts. The whole school clapped. The boys jumped so so so high. They were like kangaroos. The girls were not so so high at all. Why is that? Hmmm! Because boys have more energy than girls, that's why. So now you know why that is. Now do you have a picture in your head?
Room 5 really enjoyed the show. Here are some recounts we wrote about it...
Ballet in a Box
By Olivia
The Show
By Ted
A Ballet

By Amelia
Beautiful Ballet Dancers
Today the whole school went to the hall to watch a ballet show. The girls walked on their tippy toes. The boys didn't. There were three boys and four girls. One of the dancers was called Emma and another was called Sarah. Emma and Sarah were teenagers. First the ballet dancers twisted and turned. Then the boys jumped really high. Then they did a ballet play of Cinderella. The ballet dancers were amazing. I hope they come back next year.
By Ella
Ballet in a Box
Today the whole school went to the hall to see a ballet show. First they did stretches on the bar to warm up. There were four girls and three boys. They were amazing. Then they did extremely big jumps and turns. It was amazing. They looked like kangaroos. After they had done the amazing jumps and turns, they did the show of Cinderella. Cinderella looked beautiful I thought. When the ugly step sisters were trying to impress the Prince, they were amazing. I hope they come back next year.
By Florence
Thursday, 10 May 2012
What a wonderful Wacky Hair Day we had in Room 5 today. Thank you so much for all the time that went into creating the magnificent wacky hairstyles!
Today we had many fun and interesting learning experiences, from Kiwi Sport Football to Spelling Rockets and Mathletics with our buddies, to hosting Junior Assembly.
Well done Room 5, you really tried your best and did a fantastic job!
Here is a little snapshot of our busy wacky day.....
Watching the rocket launch was a great way to end science week.
We were waiting....waiting....waiting.....
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